Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Repousse Demo On Wednesday: What You Need to Know

Adam will be doing a sculpture project with us on Wednesday. Please read below and come prepared with a small 6 x 6 inch drawing to repousse on copper. FROM ADAM: "I got my demo pieces ready for Wednesday's repose demonstration. I wanted to email the class to ask them to bring in a drawing on 6"x6" piece of paper of anything they'd like. The only drawing guidelines are that they use as few lines as possible (they'll see why later) and big shapes. They drawings can be representation or abstract, but everyone should just understand that tiny details and too many lines won't come out nicely on the copper sheet, which is why it's best to stick with large shapes and few lines. I borrowed pieces of felt for everyone to work on and I'm cutting the copper out tonight (6"x6!). If you or anyone else has needle-nose pliers, please bring them since I only have two pair. Worst case scenario we could share, since it's simple enough shapes with just squares (things get complicated if the copper is rounded). So aside from my plea for needle-nose pliers, everyone just needs the 6"x6" drawing for Wednesday to transfer to their piece of copper that I will provide. p.s. - I just realized after I finished writing this whole thing that round tipped objects like soft pencils, the backs of thin paintbrushes, boxwood ceramic tools, anything soft and wooden, are all good tools to use. Metals scratch the copper ...and the noise also irritates me. Also optional: steel wool, which can be used to create a kind of brushed metal effect, but again, it's not necessary."

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