Thursday, March 21, 2013

Link for Assessment Reading and Alert!!!

I can't get the url, since it's  a PDF file, so google "Naep 2008 Arts Assessment" and you will see the document come up in one of the choices as a PDF. Read only the visual arts sections...pages 33-35, page 37, pages 55-60 and 93-104. It should be quick reading and highly instructive. I will have hard copies for you next time we see each other.

Also, I remembered there is no class on April 3, either!!! So I won't see you all until April 10. Work on your lesson plans and units.....

Transfer Plate Prints Lesson Plan

Transfer Prints—Grades 3 to Adult This printmaking process is suitable for many ages from elementary to adult. Obviously, if working with younger students, you will have to control the set up and clean up differently than with older students. Aims: • To explore the transfer process • To look at examples of work done in this process by artists such as Paul Klee • To create individual works that express personal meaning or are a response to a given theme such as consumerism, family, night, etc. Materials/Tools: Plexiglas plate, water soluble black ink, soft brayer, white paper, magazine illustrations, sketches, picture library pictures, old phone book or newspaper for clean printing Vocabulary: print, backwards print, brayer, monoprint/monotype Procedure: After showing students examples of transfer prints and discussing how this is a backwards process, demonstrate how to make them. Put out a line of ink on the plate and work it to make a smooth inked surface. Do not put out too much ink or you’ll get a black, blobby print. (Be prepared to have to make a few of these before you get the hang of them.) You may want to blot with a phone book page first. Method One: Free draw—Lay paper down on inked plate and use a pencil to draw image on back of paper. Be careful not to lay the side of your hand on the paper, unless you want those dark areas to appear. Method Two: Wipe—After rolling on the layer of ink, wipe areas off, using a soft rag, paper towels, Q-tips, scrapers, etc. Lay the paper down and rub to print. Method Three—After inking the plate, lay down your paper and put a photo or image on top. Trace the image, being careful not to move the image. You will get a very interesting line drawing of your image. Reink the plate (lightly), and make more. Reflection/Follow-up: Share the work. Perhaps you can make a class quilt with one work by each student being put together in rows. Variations: You can have students tear unsuccessful prints and create collages. Try printing on cloth. Try printing on other prints or combining processes. Try using color.

Draft of TK20 Assignment


Suitability & Relevance of Theme
To receive a 3: Theme is engaging and lends itself to authentic high school art instruction.
To receive a 2: Theme lends itself to high school art instruction.
To receive a 1: Theme is not relevant to high school art instruction

Sequential Art Unit
To receive a 3: Lessons build on previous knowledge
To receive a 2: One or two lessons build on previous knowledge
To receive a 1: Lessons are random

To receive a 3: Organized and proofread
To receive a 2: Organized
To receive a 1: Proofreading and organization lacking

Reflects Knowledge from Reading and Class Discussions
To receive a 3: Reflects knowledge from reading/discussions
To receive a 2: Some reference to reading/discussions
To receive a 1: Does not refer to reading/discussions


To receive a 3: All lessons are creative and original in their design
To receive a 2: One or two lessons are creative
To receive a 1: Lessons are not creative; some are from internet or other sources

Different Media
To receive a 3: Explores different media and processes in depth
To receive a 2: Explores different media and processes
To receive a 1: Superficial exploration of media

To receive a 3: Follows lesson plan format
To receive a 2: Partially follows lesson plan format
To receive a 1: Key aspects of lesson omitted

Developmental Appropriateness
To receive a 3: Concepts of materials and activities developmentally appropriate for adolescents
To receive a 2: Somewhat allied to developmental level of adolescents
To receive a 1: Not developmentally appropriate for adolescents

Artistic Objectives
To receive a 3: Lessons further fundamental artistic objectives, while stimulating creative individual responses
To receive a 2: Lessons further fundamental artistic objectives
To receive a 1: Lessons are product-oriented and artistic objectives unclear

To receive a 3: Motivation is stimulating and clear
To receive a 2: Relationship between motivation and objectives not entirely clear
To receive a 1: Motivation is absent or not well-addressed

To receive a 3: The use of visual material is an essential part of the lessons
To receive a 2: Some visual material used in some lessons
To receive a 1: Visual material absent or scant

To receive a 3: Several questions are presented in order of increased difficulty
To receive a 2: A few questions are presented in some order
To receive a 1: One or two questions are presented arbitrarily

To receive a 3: Closure is stimulating and clear and related to objectives
To receive a 2: Closure is not entirely clear or relevant to objectives
To receive a 1: Closure is not present

NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable)
To receive a 3: NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable) are listed with performance indicators
To receive a 2: NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable) are listed, but performance indicators are not present
To receive a 1: NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable) are not present

To receive a 3: Assessments are authentic and specific to lessons. Two or more rubrics are included.
To receive a 2: Assessments are authentic. One rubric is included.
To receive a 1: Assessments are generic.

Multicultural Lessons
To receive a 3: One lesson includes a multicultural component and stimulates individual responses
To receive a 2: One lesson includes a multicultural component but is is insufficiently addressed
To receive a 1: the lesson does not include a multicultural component

Integration of Another Subject Lesson
To receive a 3: One lesson integrates another subject in a mutually-meaningful way
To receive a 2: The lesson is not designed to address both subjects well
To receive a 1: The lesson does not integrate with another subject

Current Trends Lesson
To receive a 3: One lesson effectively address an art-world trend of the last ten years
To receive a 2: The lesson does not use a recent art trend as an essential part of the lesson
To receive a 1: There is no lesson that addresses a recent art trend

Art History, Art Criticism and Aesthetics
To receive a 3: One or more lessons include art history, art criticism and/or aesthetics
To receive a 2: At least one lesson includes art history, art criticism and/or aesthetics
To receive a 1: No lesson addresses art history, art criticism or aesthetics

Needs of Gifted Students
To receive a 3: Lessons address how to differentiate instruction for gifted students
To receive a 2: Lesson do not sufficiently detail how to differentiate instruction for gifted students
To receive a 1: Lessons do not address the needs of gifted students

Students with Special Needs
To receive a 3: Lessons consider how to address needs of students with special needs
To receive a 2: Lessons do not sufficiently detail how to differentiate instruction for students with special needs
To receive a 1: Lessons do not address students with special needs


Preparation and Organization of Materials
To receive a 3: Material is well-organized and materials support lesson objectives
To receive a 2: Material is somewhat organized
To receive a 1: Material is not organized

Engagement of Audience, Voice, Grammar and Delivery
To receive a 3: Presentation is delivered with authority; grammar is impeccable; eye contact is excellent; audience is actively
To receive a 2: Presentation is delivered a bit tentatively; and/or grammar is not perfect; and/or eye contact is rare; and/or
audience is not engaged
To receive a 1: Presentation is not delivered forcefully; little or no eye contact; audience is not engaged

Hand-Outs and Other Materials
To receive a 3: Hand-outs and materials are well-prepared visually-pleasing
To receive a 2: Hand-outs and materials are sufficiently-prepared
To receive a 1: Hand-outs and materials are either absent or poorly-prepared