Suitability & Relevance of Theme
To receive a 3: Theme is engaging and lends itself to authentic high school art instruction.
To receive a 2: Theme lends itself to high school art instruction.
To receive a 1: Theme is not relevant to high school art instruction
Sequential Art Unit
To receive a 3: Lessons build on previous knowledge
To receive a 2: One or two lessons build on previous knowledge
To receive a 1: Lessons are random
To receive a 3: Organized and proofread
To receive a 2: Organized
To receive a 1: Proofreading and organization lacking
Reflects Knowledge from Reading and Class Discussions
To receive a 3: Reflects knowledge from reading/discussions
To receive a 2: Some reference to reading/discussions
To receive a 1: Does not refer to reading/discussions
To receive a 3: All lessons are creative and original in their design
To receive a 2: One or two lessons are creative
To receive a 1: Lessons are not creative; some are from internet or other sources
Different Media
To receive a 3: Explores different media and processes in depth
To receive a 2: Explores different media and processes
To receive a 1: Superficial exploration of media
To receive a 3: Follows lesson plan format
To receive a 2: Partially follows lesson plan format
To receive a 1: Key aspects of lesson omitted
Developmental Appropriateness
To receive a 3: Concepts of materials and activities developmentally appropriate for adolescents
To receive a 2: Somewhat allied to developmental level of adolescents
To receive a 1: Not developmentally appropriate for adolescents
Artistic Objectives
To receive a 3: Lessons further fundamental artistic objectives, while stimulating creative individual responses
To receive a 2: Lessons further fundamental artistic objectives
To receive a 1: Lessons are product-oriented and artistic objectives unclear
To receive a 3: Motivation is stimulating and clear
To receive a 2: Relationship between motivation and objectives not entirely clear
To receive a 1: Motivation is absent or not well-addressed
To receive a 3: The use of visual material is an essential part of the lessons
To receive a 2: Some visual material used in some lessons
To receive a 1: Visual material absent or scant
To receive a 3: Several questions are presented in order of increased difficulty
To receive a 2: A few questions are presented in some order
To receive a 1: One or two questions are presented arbitrarily
To receive a 3: Closure is stimulating and clear and related to objectives
To receive a 2: Closure is not entirely clear or relevant to objectives
To receive a 1: Closure is not present
NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable)
To receive a 3: NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable) are listed with performance indicators
To receive a 2: NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable) are listed, but performance indicators are not present
To receive a 1: NYS Standards and Common Core (where applicable) are not present
To receive a 3: Assessments are authentic and specific to lessons. Two or more rubrics are included.
To receive a 2: Assessments are authentic. One rubric is included.
To receive a 1: Assessments are generic.
Multicultural Lessons
To receive a 3: One lesson includes a multicultural component and stimulates individual responses
To receive a 2: One lesson includes a multicultural component but is is insufficiently addressed
To receive a 1: the lesson does not include a multicultural component
Integration of Another Subject Lesson
To receive a 3: One lesson integrates another subject in a mutually-meaningful way
To receive a 2: The lesson is not designed to address both subjects well
To receive a 1: The lesson does not integrate with another subject
Current Trends Lesson
To receive a 3: One lesson effectively address an art-world trend of the last ten years
To receive a 2: The lesson does not use a recent art trend as an essential part of the lesson
To receive a 1: There is no lesson that addresses a recent art trend
Art History, Art Criticism and Aesthetics
To receive a 3: One or more lessons include art history, art criticism and/or aesthetics
To receive a 2: At least one lesson includes art history, art criticism and/or aesthetics
To receive a 1: No lesson addresses art history, art criticism or aesthetics
Needs of Gifted Students
To receive a 3: Lessons address how to differentiate instruction for gifted students
To receive a 2: Lesson do not sufficiently detail how to differentiate instruction for gifted students
To receive a 1: Lessons do not address the needs of gifted students
Students with Special Needs
To receive a 3: Lessons consider how to address needs of students with special needs
To receive a 2: Lessons do not sufficiently detail how to differentiate instruction for students with special needs
To receive a 1: Lessons do not address students with special needs
Preparation and Organization of Materials
To receive a 3: Material is well-organized and materials support lesson objectives
To receive a 2: Material is somewhat organized
To receive a 1: Material is not organized
Engagement of Audience, Voice, Grammar and Delivery
To receive a 3: Presentation is delivered with authority; grammar is impeccable; eye contact is excellent; audience is actively
To receive a 2: Presentation is delivered a bit tentatively; and/or grammar is not perfect; and/or eye contact is rare; and/or
audience is not engaged
To receive a 1: Presentation is not delivered forcefully; little or no eye contact; audience is not engaged
Hand-Outs and Other Materials
To receive a 3: Hand-outs and materials are well-prepared visually-pleasing
To receive a 2: Hand-outs and materials are sufficiently-prepared
To receive a 1: Hand-outs and materials are either absent or poorly-prepared
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